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News for All Batch - Course Payment

News for All Batch - Course Payment

by 🌱 LMS Admin -
Number of replies: 0

1. Bank slips will not be accepted w.e.f 27.10.2021. So please stick to the payment gateway system when you make payments. And make sure to use only your registration number in the NIC / Passport column to make payments and avoid any circumstances of identification of payments done. Otherwise payments will be disregarded without identification and will be marked as arrears.

2. Make sure all your payments are carrying your unique information including Registration No and other identification data - Student Name, batch number, relevant payment period (Year and Semester) correctly. Otherwise payments will be disregarded without identification.

3. If you have already paid, receipt will be issued only on submitting the original pay slip with full information mentioned in above 02 and if not will remain as arrears.

4. Matters regarding student payments should be forwarded to and particulars sending to other Emails will be  disregarded.

Thank you
Assistant Bursar / UCIARS